Best 5 Active Ability Characters in Garena Freefire.

 In Freefire Each character has its own ability. There are two types of ability, one is passive ability and the other is active ability. I will tell you about active skill in this post.

If you use the ability of these characters, it can be very helpful in your gameplay And it can be helpful to increase your rank. Different characters have different abilities. Be sure to let us know in the comments which of the following you like best. 

So, there are a lot of active ability characters in free fire but I will tell you about the best five characters and their skills.

Which is best character's in Freefire ? - for Active Ability :

✓ Alok
✓ Wukong
✓ Chrono
✓ Skyler
✓ K


Alok is a very famous character in Free Fire some players Called it's DJ Alok,  His active skill has been used by pro players for a long time. Let us know in the comments whether Alok is also your favorite character or not.

The name of his skill is " DROP THE BEAT ". When we turn on Alok skill he Create a 5m Aura and Give Movement speed and Hp Also. When we buy it is level-1  and gives movement speed of 10% and 5 hp/s for 5s.
But when we make it max level he Gives movement speed of 15% and 5 hp/s for 10s.

So the skill of Alok Character can help you a lot for the Movement and hp during gameplay And one of the special things about it is that when we turn on the skill of Alok that character increases the HP and Also increase his teammates HP if he is in His Aura.
So, This character is a favorite of many players.


wukong is a monkey king character laughs a lot seeing his emote but this character is not like to be made fun of Because When we turn on his skill he transform into a bush. When he transform Bush No Anyone take Damage Him. 

The name of his skill is " CAMOUFLAGE ". Turning on his skill makes him a bush for 15 s and his CD time is 200 s which is said to be very high but after the recent update he has added a rework system that resets the CD when wukong takedown an enemy.

Which is why everyone's wukong skill has become famous now and everyone wants to keep this skill.

This skill is very useful when we have more than one enemy Suddenly near us.


This character looks just like the football champion Ronaldo. However, in Free Fire, this is like a champion, Chrono Skill Name is " TIME TURNER ". This character skill is a little too useful, so Free Fire made a few changes after the update.

This skill create a force field that's block 600 damages from enemies and when Max Character , His Movement speed increases by 15% All effects last for 8 s and His CD time was Changed after Update. CD time  170 Which is called too High.
So this skill update is less used now than it was before, now players prefer Wukong more. Do you still like this skill? If you like it, please show it by comment below.


Skyler Character Is His Emote To Play With A Violin In Hand. This Character Skill Is Master In Break GlooWall.

This Skill Name is " RIPTIDE  RHYTHM " when we turn on Skyler's skill Unleashes a sonic wave forward, damaging 5 Gloo Walls within 50m, CD 60s. And each Gloo Wall deployed will result in increasing HP recovery beginning from 4points.  Recovery effects do not stack.

When we damage on an enemy and he immediately throws GlooWall and defends himself, we can use this skill to kill him and immediately break his GlooWall and we can kill enemy.


The skill of this character is similar to Alok but in this scheme EP is converted to HP.
Why this character can help you a lot in play when your hp is low you can get hp without use medkit.

This Character Skill Name is " MASTER OF ALL " it Recover 2 EP every 2 s upto 150.
And convert Recovered EP into HP. That is why this skill is called Master of All. 
If you want to use this skill well, you have to add "MIGUEL" character skill "CRAZY SLAYER" with this character skill so that you can get EP easily and the job of K Character's skill is to convert EP to HP.  This Tips will help you improve the gameplay.

Let us know how you Helpful about these tips by comment below. there are many different types of Characters with different types of his own abilities but in this post I am show helpful ability you Can use.
So the skills of these five types of characters were the best. Let me tell you which of these 5 active skills you like best.

Krunal Trada

Hi ! , My Name Is Krunal Trada My Interest is Being A Developer !

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